There are not many brands that build a true following. I’m serious. When you look at the wide world of businesses there are very few that create fanboys the way that Apple has done over the years.
In the internet marketing space there is one company who has reached that point. Moz. Rand Fishkin decided that transparency was going to be his weapon of choice and he has wielded it to all forms of internet marketers by sharing his deep dark thoughts, P & L’s, and plans for growth. His company puts on one of the biggest shows in the SEO Inbound Marketing space and you will see Moz shirts and stickers on a large % of audiences at other shows throughout the year.
I bet you are wondering why I am talking about Moz when this post is about Avvo.
Avvo has done the same thing in the legal space. They share tons of information freely. They have helped 1000’s of lawyers build a sound reputation through a robust rating system and advice forum and have created an amazing legal marketing conference in order to help attorneys navigate the challenges of marketing. Heck, I even have an Avvo phone bean bag sitting on my desk.
It really boils down to this: Avvo found a way to make legal sexy.
I love companies that can do that. That’s why I said yes when they contacted me last year to speak at Lawyernomics. I love being able to learn from others that have the same mentality about marketing as I do and the conference did not disappoint.
It became very clear that Avvo and Nifty had a similar vision of what is wrong and right in the search space. So, along with two other great companies: Atticus Marketing and AttorneySync we are pleased to announce that we have been chosen as a partner to offer Legal Marketing and SEO services to the 100,000’s of lawyers that rely on Avvo’s legal Q&A forum, directory and legal marketplace.

Mike Ramsey is the founder of Nifty. He is the author of Winning At Local Search and a former partner at LocalU, which provides beginner to advanced conferences in the realm of local search marketing. Mike founded Nifty in 2009 which has been recognized by Inc. as one of the fastest-growing companies in America.