NiftyCon - Exclusive Legal Marketing Conference: Sept 18-20, 2024. Learn More

Citation Form

We will be creating new online data and/or attempting to fix issues that we find are currently in existence. This will likely include phone (or mail) verifications to the company to verify and correct/complete or delete listings that have incorrect data.

We will also be finding new places to list your business, which also may include some phone and/or mail verifications.

To complete the work successfully you will need to have the person who typically answers your phone aware of what is going on and they should be willing to assist us if we need to verify listings over the phone. This typically just involves entering a pin number or writing a pin number down for us to enter in to complete verification. You may also receive postcards in your mail (at the business address) that have pin codes. Please email these to us.

Also, please provide any passwords to existing business listings you have claimed and have access to, especially Google, Bing, Yelp, Yahoo. Some of these will be very hard to update or change without the log-in information if they have been previously claimed.

For Best results and to get listings as complete as possible, please fill out this form to the best of your abilities.

Fill this form out for your main location.


  • Do you already have places you have done citation work for and have login information? If so, we need it. Add your username and password below to the accounts you already have. If you have any that aren't included in this list please add them.

  • Multiple Locations

    If you have a more than one office that we will be doing any citation work for, please submit this form separately for each location. You open a second tab in your browser & copy any fields over that won't change but you must submit this form individually for all locations.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
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