I am starting a new category on The Local Search Marketing Blog today that will highlight the guest posts that I do. Ann Smarty at MyBlogGuest aka @seosmarty was very gracious to offer me a place on Search Engine Journal to write on Local. I am a once a month-er on Thursdays currently, and I will let you know if that ever changes. I have been a big fan of Search Engine Journal and the solid content that they put out and I am very honored to try and add to that.
I spent an extremely long time writing my Reviews post for SEJ. There were a few questions that I have gotten lately about reviews that I wanted to answer. Some that I wanted to mention and not answer, and also pass on my speculation about how reviews are completely going to change the local search landscape over the next couple years with semantic analysis. I am very interested to know what you think on the subject, and hope that you find the post enjoyable. There are a couple nuggets in there for a well trained eye.
An Extremely Nifty Guide To Reviews And Local Search
Also, if you are interested in previous SEJ articles I have done Check out my author link
P.S. There is a link error on my SEJ post, first one to figure it out before it gets fixed get a back link from me in a future post 🙂
UPDATE: Ann is too fast for ya’ll. No linkys from me.

Mike Ramsey is the founder of Nifty. He is the author of Winning At Local Search and a former partner at LocalU, which provides beginner to advanced conferences in the realm of local search marketing. Mike founded Nifty in 2009 which has been recognized by Inc. as one of the fastest-growing companies in America.